You need No Title to be a Leader

The 5 Rules






Instant  Action Step

Within the next twenty-four hours, record an inventory of all the areas within both you work and personal life where you are avoiding personal responsibility by playing the victim. Then list your Daily Five Leadership goals for each of the next seven days to drive positive change as a leader without a Title.

“Money, influence, and position are nothing compared with brains, principles, energy and perseverance”.- Orison Swett


​”The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew.” – Abraham Lincoln

Careers vs Job: follow your passion

Six reasons to follow your Passion 
1) Working for Money may seem like good enough motivation for one to keep at their career.

Many people who choose career that don’t make them happy will tell you that they would all do it differently if they had the chance. You only have one life, so don’t waste it working somewhere you hate just for the money.

2) You’re more passionate about the work you are doing.

There’s nothing worse than having to wake up every morning during the week to mindlessly go to work you don’t care about. However, if you are passionate about the work you do it won’t have to be an issue.  

3) You can relate more to the work and come up with better ideas.

Being forced to do work is one of the most draining experience. While there are times at every job where you may feel the work may be draining and dull :(:twisted: you have to realise that not every day is going to be an enjoyable one. There are high and lows, but when u are passionate about the work you look past the dull days. Your creative process is also different.

4) Work doesn’t feel like it’s forced upon you.

When you value money over your health and passion, you will find yourself in an endless cycle of misery. Work no longer become a career or a journey, but more of a taxing nuisance on your mind and body that has to be done.

5) No matter how much money you make, nothing will help you overcome the feeling of doing something you hate.

Many people hate their jobs because they aren’t really passionate about what they do. Is there a worse feeling than doing something you hate? Eventually this hatred will cause stress and in the long run, it will have lasting effects on your health.

6) You are more inclined to work late.